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Thread: Secrets Of The Moon.

  1. #1

    Secrets Of The Moon.

    This is interesting- some alleged moon ruins filmed during the 'real' Apollo 11 footage;

  2. #2
    Hi Luminari! You bet, this is very interesting. To me, when the astronauts have something to say about what they have seen, or experienced, with video............well. I think what they share should be given a significant degree of credit for being more than "idle gossip". But then, if the people they work for have been given "the party line", then the "real truth of their story" becomes rather difficult to muster, sadly to say.

    I actually haven't done any real research of the Moon photos, having been spending a lot of time on the Mars stuff. But, I may start giving the surface of the moon some attention also. Of course, won't make much difference what we find there either - - - we will still be told "nothing but rocks/craters", as with the Mars stuff!

  3. #3
    Good evening Luminari,

    I have just watched some Ingo Swann footage on another thread here and thought maybe these links may prove fruitful? The remote viewing of the moon was what caught me regarding Swanns remarkable abilities:

    Sorry the size of the link is on the larger size. I notice the astronauts who have spoken out having a real hard time which is only more fuel to the fire, why ridicule those who know? unless of course they are hitting some raw nerves. Time is starting to prove a lot of the speculation raised to be true.

    Kind regards


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by rdunk View Post
    Hi Luminari! You bet, this is very interesting. To me, when the astronauts have something to say about what they have seen, or experienced, with video............well. I think what they share should be given a significant degree of credit for being more than "idle gossip". But then, if the people they work for have been given "the party line", then the "real truth of their story" becomes rather difficult to muster, sadly to say.

    I actually haven't done any real research of the Moon photos, having been spending a lot of time on the Mars stuff. But, I may start giving the surface of the moon some attention also. Of course, won't make much difference what we find there either - - - we will still be told "nothing but rocks/craters", as with the Mars stuff!
    Exactly! Let's share some Lunar research findings on this thread. I have some rare photos I'd like to put up soon too. I'm open to discussions about contactee cases dealing with the Moon or visits to the Moon too.

    My ancestor Cyrano De Bergerac wrote one of the first science fiction books ever about a Journey to the Moon (L'Autre Monde: où les États et Empires de la Lune (The Other World: The States and Empires of the Moon) (published posthumously, 1657) and today there is the 'Cyrano' region on the dark side of the moon named after him.

    I have a Lunar obsession, which has led me to read books such as;
    'We Discovered Alien Bases On The Moon'
    'Someone Else Is On Our Moon'
    'Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon'
    'Secrets of Our Spaceship Moon'
    'Who Built the Moon'
    And others.....

    Of course I'm familiar with John Lear and Zorgon and The Living Moon site..... I'd love to discuss this topic with anyone here who is a fellow Lunatic.
    Last edited by Luminari; 01-19-2012 at 10:57 PM. Reason: Added links

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by lux aurea in obscuro View Post
    Good evening Luminari,

    I have just watched some Ingo Swann footage on another thread here and thought maybe these links may prove fruitful? The remote viewing of the moon was what caught me regarding Swanns remarkable abilities:


    Sorry the size of the link is on the larger size. I notice the astronauts who have spoken out having a real hard time which is only more fuel to the fire, why ridicule those who know? unless of course they are hitting some raw nerves. Time is starting to prove a lot of the speculation raised to be true.

    Kind regards

    2 fantastic articles there, thank you very much.

    Let's put this link here for people who haven't read Ingo Swann's remote viewing the moon for 'Mr Axlerod.' Here it is: PENETRATION - Ingo Swann

  6. #6
    In today's news;

    Russia wants to build manned base on surface of the moon

  7. #7
    More coverage of overtures towards a joint Russian/American Moon base;

    Russia Eyes Possible Moon Base with NASA: Reports

  8. #8
    Good morning Luminari,

    Lest us not forget that 'Domino's' pizza have expressed interest in a Moon operation 'yummy' all we need now is an 'Easy Hotel'. Please allow me to furnish with this video taken by an amateur astronomer. The details could be better however I believe it to show the infamous 'Lunar Tower' in fairly good detail. I don't think for a moment it is a natural rock formation and the fact the 'summit' a say summit as this must be a very tall structure indeed is of a very bulbous nature really has me thinking.

    This is for sure one of the finer anomalies and I also hope that a fruitful discussion will ensue.

    Kind regards


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by lux aurea in obscuro View Post
    Good morning Luminari,

    Lest us not forget that 'Domino's' pizza have expressed interest in a Moon operation 'yummy' all we need now is an 'Easy Hotel'. Please allow me to furnish with this video taken by an amateur astronomer. The details could be better however I believe it to show the infamous 'Lunar Tower' in fairly good detail. I don't think for a moment it is a natural rock formation and the fact the 'summit' a say summit as this must be a very tall structure indeed is of a very bulbous nature really has me thinking.

    This is for sure one of the finer anomalies and I also hope that a fruitful discussion will ensue.

    Kind regards

    Hi Lux! I have watched your video several times, and you are right - -the details are a little difficult for the eyes to settle on. However, I do see several objects that look to be something other than natural. Are there any high resolution photos from any of the NASA projects that show this area? And if so, where do we go to get them? Do you have the Moon lat/lon coordinates for this area?

  10. #10
    Good morning rdunk,

    Having followed up on a thread started on ATS by user name 'Hellas' titled "Tower on the Moon filmed by amateur" you will see a many fascinating anomalies. So I take no credit of any of the information presented here-with. I will for your attention forward what I believe to be the useful links which I have extracted without any copyright infringements or theft of intellectual property/s as this information is freely available if searched for on-line. Below I attach links furnishing the current thread attempting to answer your question regarding better resolution images which I hope is of some possible use in identifying the possible location, of which I am unable to reliably ascertain at this stage. I however note that these images and video clips are showing the outer edge 'rim' of the Moon as viewed from Earth from the point of amateur astronomy.!

    To note the last link presented has some addition information regarding some spectacular images presented. We must have a member on board who has the exact location details for your assistance? Having once had a telescope when I lived in the back ends of nowhere I would have been in a better position to advise, I however reside in London UK and because of light pollution I could have the 'mother-ship' directly overhead & would never notice. How I miss star gazing.

    Kind regards


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