Richard Dolan was writing about Government use of journalists back in 2005: In his "Government Lies and UFOs" he did a wide-ranging analysis of government deception regarding UFOs and such diverse topics as the Iraq war and the FOIA being gutted by Ronald Reagan, which I never heard before.
"The lies and coverup regarding UFO phenomena by the American national security state is nothing new. Indeed, it is simply standard operating procedure. Our leaders lie about everything important, including UFOs. "
"Back in 1977, journalist Carl Bernstein revealed that the CIA had used more than 400 journalists to carry out assignments over the past quarter of a century. This included but was not limited to planting disinformation and propaganda. These were covert, paid arrangements which helped many a journalistic career. Today, the CIA blandly says, in effect, "we don’t do that anymore." To which the appropriate response is "B.S." Not only does the CIA have cozy working relationships with journalists around the world (and certainly the Internet), but why would one think the rest of the American national security establishment doesn’t? Can anyone seriously believe otherwise?"