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Thread: British Labour Party counsillor Simon Parkes

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    British Labour Party counsillor Simon Parkes

    British Labour Party counsillor Simon Parkes talking about his lifelong involvement with ETs.

  2. #2
    Senior Member atmjjc's Avatar
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    Good find Epo,

    Simon is a sleeper. I think I went over what a sleeper is in OMF, not sure. The aliens use human subjects screened and then attached with an alien so they can traverse parallel universes.

    Almost all attachments of the Giant aliens use human babies at their central point of deployment. Once deployed the babies DNA looks for its counterpart in another parallel. Once found the baby conscious is stored in the DNA process of its found DNA which the alien hitches a ride to that parallel existence with the baby.

    The baby grows normally according to its DNA in its designated parallel. The babies at their central point are used for a very short time maybe a couple of hours at the most. Within that few hours many parallels will be explored the baby will grow and die in the foreign parallel and seek out another parallel again and the process starts all over again. Thousands of years will pass but only a few hours or minutes to the baby at its central point.
    We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull.
    ~ George Orwell ‘1984’

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by epo333 View Post
    British Labour Party counsillor Simon Parkes talking about his lifelong involvement with ETs.
    Thanks for this EPO. Synchronicity strikes when most needed....

    When was this recorded initially?

    When did he initially open up about his experiences?

    Thanks again.


  4. #4
    Senior Member lycaeus's Avatar
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    Eve Lorgen shared this a month ago but it is worth sharing around:::

    Simon Parkes Presentation on The Alien Agenda–What They Dont Want You to Know
    Posted on February 12, 2014
    Simon Parkes Presentation at St. Annes Lanchashire, UK 2/10/014

    The Alien Agenda –What They Don’t Want You to Know

    This is a bulleted summary of Simon Parkes presentation. Simon is an abductee from the UK and has spoken publicly about his experiences through AMMACH and other radio shows and venues.

    • Simon made a “soul agreement” with the Mantid alien being at age 11-12, to agree to be part of their program.
    • How most abductees do not recall their soul agreement with the alien beings who are taking them or recognize the nature of the agreement. In my view, they deceptively entrap you and if we really knew the true nature of the “fine print” we would not agree.
    • Simon’s acknowledgment of the work of the late Dr. Karla Turner in her book, “Into the Fringe” being more representative of most abductees’ experiences. How his own experiences with the aliens is not representative, because his are less traumatic and abusive and he has been able to maintain a great deal of conscious awareness of the interactions.
    • How the Snake and Dragon symbols (on the uniform patches) of the black ops and special ops programs reveal the true powers controlling these agendas–high level aliens, reptilians, dracos, dragons. In my view, these may be what Steve Richards of Holographic Kinetics refer to as the Winged Serpents who are the top dogs of control of the other entities. And how the winged serpent types of beings are similar to what Dr Corrado Malanga referred to as the “Horus-Ra” beings who originate from the “dark universe”.
    • A special op uniform patch of a Templar with a sword depicting protection of the Earth “grid”, which is an artificial energetic construct which acts to prevent souls from returning to the Source, and serves to entrap human souls into endless recycling with little or no memory of previous lives. This “grid” is an Archontic technological construct that is connected to what “light” we encounter in Near Death Experiences and at death, and is really a trap to keep our souls from moving to Source and throws us back into bodies to be recycled.
    • Human-alien hybrids being introduced into society and being “trained” to learn skills such as driving and shopping, exchanging money, etc. This is reminiescent of an older interview conducted by James Bartley (See with an abductee woman named “Karen” whose job it was to train human alien hybrids in various capacities.
    • Types of abductions, experiences, contacts. Simon shows diagrams of the mantids on crafts who sit at consoles in front screens that can view and arrange time lines, so that they can strategize and plan abductions in various people’s lives.
    • How the US Government has two lists of types of people: Those who have alien abductions, experiences and contacts, that the aliens provided to them, which are INCOMPLETE, because the aliens have not updated these lists.
    • A list of other human abductees who the US has abdictated responsibility for, and who are under the responsibility of the aliens. EL– They apparently have no power over these people(?) because the aliens who take them have a higher hierarchy of command in these cases.
    • Orbs that appear in rooms or by certain kinds of video equipment, are in actuality, a type of consciousness that has gone from a higher dimension into the third dimension. These are usually beings or entities that can observe and they often phase in and out of 3rd and 4th dimension, appearing and disappearing. In the 3D they show up as orbs.
    • Feline species of aliens or “cat people” who are very human like and were the types of beings involved in the building of the pyramid and use an Illuminati Eye symbol. Diagram that Simon drew depicting the Illuminati Eye symbol with these feline beings.
    • Simon’s TV show (2013) interview in the UK, where he was instructed to not show sketches or pictures of reptilians, but it was ok to show the other alien images. EL– It just shows how controlled mainstream media is to follow orders not to put attention on the reptilians since, well, you figure it out.
    • The false flag, alien invasion scenario will most likely be conducted using the dark triangular craft he identified as first generation, back engineered craft. They have 4 lights on the bottom side of the craft. This would be an effort to unite people in a NWO scheme.(Remember it’s ALWAYS A CRAPPY DECEPTIVE DEAL!) This would bring on the excuse to chip people, using America as the power to “protect people” from these evils. People must wake up and resist anything that will take away our sovereignty. No one will come and save us. It’s up to us to evolve spiritually, and we are at a crucial point energetically. EL–In my view, how we evolve is key, because most religious and spiritual systems have been corrupted, where at the top you usually find some reptilian, draco or winged serpent controlling that particular guru. But, one also must know that truth is mixed in with lies or misleading, so you don’t necessarily throw the baby out with the bathwater. So in ones path of searching, always be discerning and according to Simon, most beings on the 4th dimension do not have our best interests at hand.
    • By 2016 there will be some kind of portal open, where there will be big changes and more opportunities for human sovereignty from the controlling aliens.
    • Of course I have my own questions about the true nature of Simon’s childhood “soul agreement” with the Mantid beings and what the fine print really is or what it means. How can a young boy really understand the ramifications of such cleverly deceptive soul agreements? Is this fair?


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    Last edited by lycaeus; 03-22-2014 at 06:07 PM.
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