This is an incredible story. Make sure you have time once you get going on it you will not want to shut it off.
(Another good one for those nights when you have 200 channels of nothing good to watch.)
This is an incredible story. Make sure you have time once you get going on it you will not want to shut it off.
(Another good one for those nights when you have 200 channels of nothing good to watch.)
Thanks. We vacationed near Montauk when I was a kid.
Maybe we should start a thread to collect all of these in one place?
Didn't have time to listen to it all but one part makes me wonder. He said in one section that time travelers went back in time and changed something so his papers that were in a locked and secure location disappeared.
If that was the case shouldn't he have had no memory of the papers either?
*EDIT* The section of the video that I am referring to starts at 1:15:50
Last edited by Eric; 12-12-2012 at 08:19 AM.
I not sure what to make of all this but Preston Nichols, who claims to be former chief engineer at Montauk Air Force Station/Camp Hero was on Coast to Coast last week
It was an unbelievable show.
He has a few book out is he the real deal?
Just a thought.
Due to the posited hazards of time travel my guess would be that you would want as few people as possible to know and fewer disseminating that information. Not to mention you would be able to manipulate what ever was said one way or the other. So the hope of ever knowing the truth about time travel would be most probably nonexistent.
I don't think that necessarily holds true. What worries me more is the Preston B Nichols has written about 5 books on the subject and seems to be milking it for all it's worth. I not sure if he, Al Beilek and others are really connected or have come together, know it's all rubbish and can't be checked, and have formed some kind of cabal of b*lls**tters.
Problem with time travel is all the paradox's and theories suggest that if such a thing were possible, we would never know what it is that we don't know.
American by birth, Cherokee by blood and Southern by the Grace of God!
I mostly stay away from threads about Time Travel but it’s like a gravitational force that slowly pulls me in. The reason I AM A TIME TRAVELER.
Ya, I know, cook flags go up big time. It does bother me some, but nothing I would lose sleep over. I have a mission which seems futile at the moment considering the politics of the time; but I venture on.
In the Demon and ET thread in encounters section I made a brief statement that I visited ET in the Vegas area. That was not an exaggeration. They were of the female kind whose life span is around a thousand years or greater. As they age they tend to grow very tall which also represents a higher status within the alien species. The ones I met were about 5’5” tall which I was told they were around 500 years old by our standards. Be forewarned they can be very dangerous and very aggressive and they are stunningly beautiful. LOL, they are also very sexual and not having sex with them would be considered an insult of a serious kind. Their skin tone is of a chameleon type and can change from pearly white, to bronze, and to black and their naked body looks exactly human down to breasts and belly buttons and their private parts are identical to a humans, their physique is that of an athlete with weight proportioned to body. They usually were wigs because their hair is somewhat medusa like and moves around with their emotions.
Why I print this stuff is because I was told to. It is still small enough where it will not present problems and is monitored by the aliens and Intel types.
Speaking of Intel types they are all over me interfering behind the scenes trying to pull strings for some unknown purpose. It is getting a little intense since I am supposed to understand how these games are played. I may have become a target.
Anyway, all this has to do with DISCLOSURE. Once understood everything will become perfectly clear but God still will remain a mystery.
It also has to do with IMMORTALITY and an awakening and many will be leaving the planet within a blinking of an eye.
If there is an interest I will continue, if not, oh well, I will push on and dumb down to another time and place.
We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull.
~ George Orwell ‘1984’