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He was back yesterday evening. Any chance of an update Arkki?
Sure. Sorry, didn't get there in time to ask these questions. I think this update makes it more grim. There answers cover mainly about how the war will go for Finland, and the usual 4channish topics.
War and Finland
2023: War of Europe
2023: Russia joins the war.
2024: Russia leaves/separates from the war and peace.
2025: Finland leaves/separates from the war of Europe.
2027: Union of North-Europe is formed
2031-32: Famine years
2041: Technology-trade agreemet with Norther European Union and Western-Free America.
- War of Europe will start in fall 2023. Maybe historically one could say that the conflict started already after WW2 when the European Union was formed.
- Participants in the War of Europe: Revolutionaries, being the poor "nations" that cannot produce products of real value versus nations that produce things of true/real value.
- Yes, you (the finnish question asker), will likely get to war and thank you for your sacrifices before hand.
- By sacrifice he means the usual stuff: giving your life, getting maimed, being vicim of ab terror attact, losing your properties - what is new that this conflict will tear close and wide family bonds bacause of the differences in positions in political faultlines.
- Finland will go to war by radicals starting an armed revolution, it will be repelled, and in revenge to mass executions done in Helsinki, France will do an air strike to Helsinki starting the actual war.
- Helsinki will suffer pretty badly of the war but is now mostly rebuilt.
- Finglish (mix between finnish and english) is really widely spread in Finland and it hurts his brains.
- Veterans will be remembered with stone monnuments. Maimed vetarns will have new limbs grown to replace the lost ones, but this came with issues - seemed that once this technology was available, the body image of the veterans was not taken to account enough and many of them didn't really want them new limbs and cut them off.
- Karelia/ (region lost to Russia in WW2) is still the same: Forests, alination, more forests.
- Doesn't know anything else about the current prime minister of Finland Sanna Marin, than what he has read from the internet of our now.
- No alien contact (again)
- Gays and trans exist but not in the same numbers as in 2020. Only the real cases, not so many mental cases/misdiagnosed as today.
- Sweden will have mostly black population. He doesn't see this as any way meaningful issue.
- Jews still exist and there is nothing wrong with them as people. The fact that some individuals were horrible does not make the whole group bad.
- Racism is legal but no-one really values such opinions.
- What he wonders about 2020 is amount of mental illness and racism, but that is more understandable as you(we) haven't yet to separate between responsibilities of groups and individuals.
- Extinct current animals: wolverine is an example that is constantly brought up.
- Near East in 2046 suffers from overpopulation, starvation and war
- EU wont exist in 2046
- Globally, there are many large currencies, none will be as dominant as dollar is today.
- About global immigration, could you just travel from Finland to Iraq and settle there? - no, you would be killed on the way for being a finn.
- Fission is the most common way of producing energy.
- He can't affect the time before the moment he left, only to time after the point where he left / returns to
- Cars are 90% in shared/communal use. Guns are legal but you must have clear purpose for them and this is being tracked.
- We've also landed (again) to the moon.
In the end he says that he returns now to his own time, thanks for being able to discuss with us, wishes us strenght to the coming cataclysms, thanks us before hand for our sacrifices.
Phew. Well, that is very war-prone vision of the near future. Oh, Russia... sheesh.